Pastor Search
Round Oak Baptist Church, located in the Corbin area of Caroline County, Virginia, is seeking a man of God to be our full-time senior pastor. Our church is south of the city of Fredericksburg and north of the town of Bowling Green. Our church members are supportive and faithful and love being the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus inside our church walls and outside in our community. Our congregation would prefer someone with a seminary degree and conservative/moderate theology. We desire a pastor who stands for Biblical truth and is able to communicate God’s Word clearly and with conviction, who shows leadership by discipling, mentoring, and coaching others, is able to work with various types of personalities, is effective in counseling persons facing spiritual, emotional, and mental needs, and enjoys visiting church members in their homes, visiting people in the midst of crisis, as well as hospital and homebound visitation. We are looking for a pastor who loves people and can show warmth, empathy, care and compassion to all.​ For more information, please see our Job Description link and submit your resume to robc1840@roundoakchurch.com.
Links & Information
Demographics Study
Community Profile
Church Profile
Job Description
To apply, please email your resume to ROBC1840@roundoakchurch.com
If you have any questions please contact the Pastor Search Team at ROBC1840@roundoakchurch.com
Meet the Team
Round Oak Baptist Church
Pastor Search Team

(L to R):
Front Row: Joy Leung, Kay Sale, Lisa Strother, Beth Newsome
Back Row: Wesley Skinner, Bob Canaday, Chris Hall